TANT has worked tirelessly and achieved a lot since it was formed 20 years ago.
TANT is born
January 2002
TANT created as an informal body by Leo Stevens, Laycock; Andrew Turner-Cross, Slindon; Peter Bate, Holnicote and Gillain Francis & Alan Lawrence, Mottisfont.
TANT meet with Lord Blakenham
July 2002
David Evans and David Riddle from the National Trust were appointed to liaise with TANT and then TANT met with Lord Blakenham to discuss the ongoing review of National Trust Governance including the Let Estate.
TANT officially recognised by the Trust
January 2004
TANT officially recognised by the National Trust and held its first inaugural meeting at the Manger Barn in Lacock – with coverage by the BBC News.
TANT and NT establish database
December 2004
TANT persuades the NT to establish how many properties it owns through a central database.
TANT propose tenants handbook
January 2005
TANT proposed the production of the very first Tenants Handbook and worked with the National Trust to achieve this.
Local tenant associations formed
July 2005
TANT starts to help local Tenant Associations to form across the country.
TANT campaigns for condition surveys
December 2006
TANT campaigns for the NT to carry out condition surveys on all its properties.
Tenants able to sit on council
January 2008
Parliamentary Statute came into force which allowed tenants to sit on the National Trust Council.
Tenant handbook launched
January 2009
The first Tenant Handbook was launched.
First tenant elected to council
January 2010
Cristina George, a long standing TANT committee member, blazed a trail by becoming the first ever tenant to be elected to the National Trust Council.
Tenant Custodian status agreed
July 2010
TANT was instrumental in changing tenant status to ‘Tenant Custodian’.
TANT on BBC’s “You & Yours”
November 2011
Here is a recording of a BBC consumer affairs programme called “You & Yours” on the 3rd of November 2011 between Chairman of TANT at the time Andew Turner-Cross and Patrick Begg the National Trust Director of Rural Enterprises.
Free membership for tenants
January 2012
TANT was instrumental in the decision to gift all National Trust tenants Tenant Custodian Membership which gave them free parking and free entrance to National Trust properties.
TANT made an appointing body
July 2012
TANT was made an appointing body to the National Trust Council meaning that TANT had an official voice and a seat for one of their committee members. Peter Bate was voted as TANT’s representative to the Council.
Cristina George re-elected
January 2013
Cristina George was re-elected to the National Trust Council.
Campaign for decent home standards
July 2013
TANT started to campaign for Decent Home Standards for National Trust tenants.
TANT proposes £75m improvement scheme
December 2014
TANT proposes a Let Estate (Houses and Cottages,) improvement scheme with a budget of £75 million
Tenant handbook revised
January 2015
TANT once again worked closely with the National Trust in the creation of a revised Tenant Handbook and Tenant Complaint Procedure.
TANT secure regular funding
January 2016
TANT submitted a resolution to the National Trust AGM and secured regular funding thanks to the ongoing support of the National Trust membership. Cristina George was re-elected to the National Trust Council for a third and final term.
TANT on BBC’s Farming Today
October 2016
TANT’s Development Officer Peter Bate appears on the BBC’s Farming Today programme.
NT implements £49m improvement programme
December 2016
The NT implements a 5 year improvement programme indicating a budget of £49 million to be completed by 2021.
New TANT constitution voted in
January 2017
TANT reviewed, revised and re-wrote the Constitution and Code of Conduct to better reflect the changing shape of the organisation. The new constitution was voted in by our members on May 14th at our AGM in Studland.
TANT reapply for appointed body status
January 2018
As part of the National Trust’s reorganisation of the Council TANT reapplied for Appointed Body status and have been recommended to the membership by the National Trust.
National Trust agrees to remove MGR
March 2018
TANT was instrumental in policy change for all National Trust Long Leaseholders in the matter of Modern Ground Rent.
New TANT website goes live
May 2018
TANT commission a brand-new, modern website to better reflect the standing of the organisation and help attract new members.
TANT and NT agree joint approach on Law Commission leasehold reforms
September 2019
TANT reach an agreement with the National Trust that subject to the Law Commission reforms on leasehold being passed into law, long leaseholders will have the right to apply for 990-year extensions to their leases at a peppercorn rent.
TANT campaigns for no rent increases or evictions
December 2020
TANT campaigns successfully for no rent increases or evictions during the pandemic and throughout 2020 and 2021
NT confirms £79m improvement plan budget
December 2021
The NT confirms the Let Estate Improvement plan budget is now £79 million and completion is delayed to 2022.