TANT AGM 2019 – Sunday 12th May 2019
10.30am – 2.30pm
Quatt Village Hall, Quatt, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV15 6QW.
Welcome to all National Trust Tenants.
- Free Entrance – Free Parking – Free Nibbles & Refreshments
- The Future of Tenants – TANT and the National Trust
- Speaker: Accord Group Deputy Chief Executive Alan Yates “Housing challenges in rural communities”
- Speaker: TANT Co chair Jo Leighton “Improve security for tenants by repealing Section 21 of the Housing Act (1988), putting an end ‘no-fault’ evictions” Plus Longer tenancies?
- Covering Tenants issues across the board & new agreements from the National Trust
- Open Question Time from the floor
- Private Surgery Time (need to talk privately)
Can we help you? Call: 0845 463 3563 or email: [email protected]
Chair’s Chat – Spring 2019
We had a good meeting with the National Trust’s Land and Estates Director, Giles Hunt and three of his most senior team in late February. These meetings have taken place over many years. Some have been contentious but these days the results show every sign of a good mutual understanding. We covered a wide range of subjects but among the most interesting was a report on property refurbishments. It’s got another two-years and a ‘fluid’ two hundred and sixty residential properties to run. It’s part of the Trust’s multi-million-pound drive to make its tenanted properties that fall below par comply with legislation. It also creates longer-term, more comfortable and environmentally friendly homes. Your dwelling gets subjected to a total facelift inside and out. In pretty well all cases, the tenant and furniture need to move to a temporary new, usually National Trust home for a few months. It’s an upheaval but worth it in the end. The Trust is now pretty accomplished at making it as stress-free as possible, but you may wish to ask your property manager or surveyor about rent /lease arrangements during and after the process. Inevitably issues sometimes arise; a few TANT committee members have experience of a refurbishment. The Trust may refer you to us, or you can email or call TANT.
Rent reviews are still at the top of our list and were discussed at length. Rents will always continue to rise, but we’d like to hear from you if you think it is truly too high. The Assured Shorthold lease law is framed in a way that seems to disadvantage the tenant; we can clearly see that change needs to come from above. We are supporting and making submissions to a cross-party examination of leases and rent setting, and our Modern Ground Rent specialists were invited for a lengthy consultation with the Law Commission.
We had a meeting on April 10th with the Trust’s Chairman Tim Parker along with The Director-General, Hilary McGrady and Giles Hunt. We only had an hour but it was a very productive hour with some of the best outcomes yet, a report will be given out at our AGM on the 12th of May and then after the AGM published on our website with a newsletter also covering our AGM.
All at TANT look forward to seeing you on the 12th of May.
Best regards
Co-Chairs Jo & Andrew